
  • Prices include accommodation, all classes, evening activities and meals for all 4 days (excluding lunch on Saturday).
  • Spectator rates will only be offered to family/partners of participants. Please contact us for pricing information about infants or kids not attending kids camp, or if you are attending and do not require accommodation.
  • Kids Camp is open to children 4-12 years. This will run during class hours – please pick your children up for meal times, morning and afternoon tea.
  • Discount for kids camp activity. Would you like to run a session with the kids? In the past we have had arts/craft, music, yoga, dance, drumming, sports. $45 per session (45min-1hr)
  • Drum hire is for djembes only. Dunduns will be provided free of charge for as many people as we can (get there early). If you have a set please bring!

Enquiries: 334 197

Registration Form

    Type of class most interested in (this is for planning purposes only - you can attend whichever you like)
    Beginner danceInt or adv danceBeginner drummingInt or adv drumming


    You can pay your deposit through the web shop or via bank transfer. Please put YOUR NAME as reference. Balance to be paid via transfer.

    Nb Registration will not be complete until registration form submitted and deposit paid.


    Name: Mitzi McRae
    BSB: 313140
    Acct no: 12040070