In celebration of BEING TOGETHER AGAIN we are providing a full day of drum dance dance workshops, performances, delicious food, African market and hair braiding in a picturesque outdoor spot by the Yarra river.
Sunday 12th December
Yarra Bend Park, Fairfield
Nb Food must be ordered by 5th Dec
Location: Sir Herbert Olney Oval (enter via Deep Rock rd)
Lam Lakiz (Congo) – N’dombolo dance
Mohamed Bangoura (Guinea) – djembe, dance, dundun dance
Bouba Gaye (Senegal) – djembe, dundun (drumming)
Mitzi McRae – West African dance
Simon Lewis – djembe
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I’ve booked in a full day pass for Sat 12th Dec ($80) but should I have indicated the workshops I’d like to do? Here’s my request:! 11am Djembe Intermediate (Mohamed): 12.15 Djembe beginner (Simon Lewis)
2.30: West African Dance Beg (Mitzi) 3.45; Dun Dun dance (Mohamed).
I have my own Djembe do you want me to bring my Dun?
Cheers Maggie
I like to participate, How to buy the tickets.