Mitzi and Simon have just returned form Zhucheng, China, where they have been teaching and filming dundun dance, traditional djembe rhythms and West African dance.
Check out the photos.
Mitzi and Simon have just returned form Zhucheng, China, where they have been teaching and filming dundun dance, traditional djembe rhythms and West African dance.
Check out the photos.
For our second visit to China, we spent 5 days teaching drum, dance and dundun dance in the rural village of Zhucheng. Check out the photos.
We will be teaching in China from 29th April – 7th May. Regular classes continue as per usual with some excellent guest teachers.
This year Mitzi and Simon were invited to teach dundun dance in China! They taught at a 3-day camp on the Southern-most tip; the island of Hainan. Children and adults participated in the camp and it culminated in a performance at a university in Haikou city. An amazing adventure!