China visit April/May 2018

Mitzi and Simon have just returned form Zhucheng, China, where they have been teaching and filming dundun dance, traditional djembe rhythms and West African dance.

The initial part of the work involved teaching some choreography (to a backing track created by Simon) which will then be taught to children and adults in different regions of China over the coming months. We will return in 3 months time to perform the pieces in Qingdao in full costume under the big lights!

After this we spent 5 days filming traditional dundun and djembe parts, songs and dances which will be used to create a teaching resource to be sold in China. The App is called ‘Skyfola’ and will also feature Epizo Bangoura and some other well known djembe folas.

This trip was epic. We learned a new phrase in Mandarin ‘xin ku le’ (translation ‘hard work’)

China, dundun dance

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