2015 has been full of amazing experiences. We kicked it off with Wassawumba’s memorable performance for NEW Year’s eve at Federation square under the fluro lights. We had some guest drummers from Adelaide join us for this. There was an amazing energy and plenty of our students were in the crowd smiling up at us. A beautiful experience!
In March we did our first-ever dundun dance flash mob. One by one, crazy-legging-clad dancers appeared out of the crowd with their drums. The surprised audience were blown away by a big sound and synchronous performance. More of that to come!
Wassawumba had a huge year, performing at Viva Victoria Festival, Golden Horseshoes Festival in Beechworth, Coco Poco Loco and the Suzuki Night Markets.

Mitzi went off to Camp Fareta for her fourth year with a bunch of gorgeous dancing ladies. they came back more inspired than ever, witha whole lot of new moves to add to their repertoire.
We had workshops with Bangouraké and two very special guests from California – Ibou Ngom and Naby Bangoura. What a treat it was to have these experts in our own town sharing their their passion and skills!
Then… Camp Samatou! This was the biggest and best camp we have ever put on at Melbourne Djembe. We had loads of people come from all over, and some very special and inspiring teachers. Can’t wait for the next one.
A very big thank you to our community which continues to grow and support us. See you all in 2016!
Mitzi and Simon xxoo