Flash mob 2016 Photos & Videos

This year, we did lots of flash mobs!

We started out at City Square where all drum dance and dundun students performed an epic 15 minute show. At the beginning, a group of buskers were minding their own business – playing percussion, hang drum (Adrian Selley) and didgeridoo (Frank O’Neill). They were then told off by some ‘security guards’. These security guards couldn’t help but break into dance, thus starting the party!

We then moved to the intersection of Elizabeth and Flinders st where danced wildly for the 30 second duration of the Walk signal and casually moved off. The real by-standers were surprised and thrilled by their free lunchtime entertainment.

Once we finished there, we couldn’t stop! We then became a travelling flash mob, performing again three times at Southbank, twice outside Hamer Hall, three more times at federation Square and a couple more at City Square again for good luck.

And then we were tired.

Awesome photos courtesy of Bruce Davis.

Flinders st/Elizabeth st intersection: 30 second flash mob!
Short flash mob compilation
City Square: long flash mob with dundun dancers
African dance flash mob

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